Orthopedic Treatment & Sports Medicine in Lansdale, PA
Whether you suffer from shoulder or knee pain, Central Montgomery Orthopedics in Lansdale, Pennsylvania, offers the orthopedic treatment you need to get moving again. Our doctors have expertise in sports medicine and general orthopedic issues, including fractures, muscle strains, ligament strains, tendinitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, and knee and hip arthritis.
At our practice, we specialize in the recognition and treatment of osteoporosis and osteoarthritis, though we treat pain and dysfunction in all areas of the body. One of the treatments we offer is lubrication injections (viscosupplementation) for knee pain and degenerative joint disease. These injections offer fast and lasting relief, frequently eliminating the need for surgery.

Shoulder Conditions
Rotator Cuff Strains and Tears
Rotator Cuff Tendinitis or Bursitis
Shoulder Impingement Syndrome
Shoulder Labral Tears
Shoulder Dislocations
Shoulder Arthritis
Clavicle Fractures
Proximal Humerus Fractures
Knee Conditions
Meniscus Tears
ACL Sprains and Tears
MCL Sprains and Tears
Patellar Tendinitis
Patellar, Quadriceps, and Hamstring Tendon Strains and Tears
Knee Arthritis
Kneecap Dislocations
Femur and Tibia Fractures

Elbow Conditions
Tennis Elbow
Golfers Elbow
Biceps Tendon Strains and Tears
Triceps Tendon Strains and Tears
Ulnar Collateral Ligament Sprains and Tears
Elbow and Forearm Muscle Strains
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Hand & Wrist Conditions
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Trigger Finger
Wrist Tendinitis
DeQuervain's Tenosynovitis
Wrist and Finger Ligament Sprains

Hip Conditions
Hip Bursitis
Proximal Hamstring Strains and Tears
Hip Flexor Muscle Strains
Hip Labral Tears
Hip Arthritis
Spine Conditions
Spinal Stenosis
Lower Back Pain
Herniated Discs
Cervical or Lumbar Sprains & Strains
Degenerative Disc Disease

Foot & Ankle Conditions
Ankle Sprains
Calf Muscle Strains and Tears
Ankle Tendinitis
Plantar Fasciitis
Foot and Ankle Fractures
Occupational Medicine
We diagnose and treat a broad spectrum of work related injuries, including repetitive use conditions such as tendinitis and carpal tunnel.