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Hip Pain: It’s Probably Not Arthritis


Most of us know someone who’s had a total hip.

Many epidemiologists (experts on the frequency/incidents of disease and its effects) have rated hip replacement surgery (arthroplasty) as the overall most beneficial elective surgical procedure of the past century.

But perhaps somewhat surprisingly, most hip pain is not symptomatic arthritis and doesn’t need surgery.

Probably the 2 most common causes of hip pain are a back problem that can radiate into the buttocks and is perceived as “hip pain” or simply a tendinitis of the muscles that attach to the outer thigh area of the hip bone.

This tendinitis is known as trochanteric tendinitis or bursitis. The greater trochanter is the prominence of the femur/hip bone at about the level of your wrist when standing. This is the point where the tendons of large hip/buttocks muscles attach to the bone and as with most bony prominences, there is a bursal sac that lies between the tendon attachment and the overlying skin.

While if you’re over 50, there is a good chance an x-ray will show some low-grade “arthritis” of the hip joint, most the time this is not important, and the pain is referred from the back or trochanteric tendinitis/bursitis.

At Central Montgomery Orthopedics we are experts at sorting all this out can get you comfortable again without much fuss.

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