Our knees get us to where we need to go. Up and down stairs. Lunges and squats at the gym. Kneeling down to play with grandchildren. When our knees hurt, life can be quite limited. If your knees are hurting, then our doctors at Central Montgomery Orthopedics can help. We provide non-operative and operative treatment for a wide variety of knee conditions.
Common Knee Conditions​
Meniscus Tears
ACL Sprains or Tears
MCL Sprains or Tears
Patellar Tendinitis
Patellar, Quadriceps, and Hamstring Tendon Strains or Tears
Kneecap Dislocations
Knee Arthritis
Femur and Tibia Fractures
Dr. Spellman and Dr. Chu believe that surgery is not always the best option. For example, there are many effective, non-operative treatments for knee arthritis. We like to help our patients explore these options before considering a major surgery like a knee replacement.
Call Central Montgomery Orthopedics at 215-361-5060 to schedule an appointment so we can help you with your knee pain.